Sometimes I am mad,
Sometimes I don't,
Somestimes I can be childish,
Most of the time, I don't,
Can you read me,
When me myself don't,
Tell me when I am moody,
And when I don't,
Whatever you think,
I might be me,
Or it might don't,
Cause look can be deceiving,
If only you knew me,
The true me,
You might happen to like me,
Cause I am unique,
Whatever it is,
I am who I am,
I am what I am,
And I won't pretend.
"Original poem is dedicated to Nor Zarina Bt Abdol Jabar. This poem has been edited for this blog."
10 hours ago
May 23, 2009 at 11:36 PM
errrkkk...untung betul si nor zarina bt abdol jabar tuhh..ader org dedicatedkan poem tuk dier..yg original tuh cam ner bunyinyer yerr...hukhukhuk
June 15, 2009 at 9:04 PM
true, simple, straight.
June 18, 2009 at 12:33 AM
i am who i am
in other words another homosapiens
u and me