Hari tu aku dah cerita mengenai ketrampilan diri. Kali ni aku nak tekankan mengenai persediaan. Aku rasa, ramai yang tau apa persediaan yang perlu dilakukan. Okies, just nak refresh untuk korang. Persediaan yang aku maksudkan adalah dari segi mental dan mental. Kerana, jarang ada interview yang memerlukan persedian fizikal, kecuali korang dalam teknikal line (itu pun bukan semuanya memerlukan persediaan fizikal).
2. Sebelum interview, anda hendaklah tahu dimana tempat interview anda. Sekiranya tidak menjadi keberatan, korang kena g survey dulu tempat interview korang. Ini untuk memastikan korang tidak sesat. Pastikan jarak masa perjalanan anda dan pastikan anda bertolak dari tempat anda 2 jam lebih lewat. Korang tahulah KL ni, unexpected hours pun boleh jem (sila refer kepada keadaan jalan di Federal Highway). Kalau masa interview pukul 10 pagi, korang dinasihatkan sampai pukul 9, sebab korang kena ingat, ada kertas yang banyak perlu diisi.
3. Buat background research mengenai company yang memanggil anda untuk temuduga. Perkara ni mungkin adalah tidak penting, tapi interviewer akan melihat ini sebagai extra point. Sebab, bila anda dapat bercerita dan bertanya mengenai hal ehwal company tu, interviewer akan dapat melihat minat anda terhadap company itu.
4. Hendaklah membawa sijil dan resume lebih untuk tatapan dan belekan para interviewer. Part ni, orang selalu lupa. Biasanya, interview akan dilakukan oleh panel, kebiasaannya 2 orang atau lebih. Satu representative dari HR dan satu lagi representative dari jabatan yang anda apply. Sila beri mereka sorang satu resume dan atleast satu copy sijil anda. Jangan lupa membawa sijil asal sekiranya mereka ingin meneliti kesahihan sijil tersebut.
5. Latih diri anda bercakap dalam bahasa inggeris. Kebiasaannya, interview akan dijalankan dalam bahasa inggeris. Walaupun mempunyai penguasaan bahasa inggeris yang kukuh, keadaan kita yang nervous, akan membuatkan kita menjadi gagap, atau lupa apa yang ingin kita cakapkan. Jadi, untuk menyenangkan anda, sila practiose soalan standard ini. “Tell me about yourself”. Ini merupakan soalan bocor untuk mana-mana interview. Anda hendaklah bercerita mengenai diri anda, sekolah, universiti dan pengalaman kerja anda. Sekiranya anda rajin, anda boleh menyediakan teks ucapan dan praktis menggunakan teks tersebut. Insya-Allah, anda akan boleh bercerita dengan lancer mengenai soalan ini.
6. Pastikan anda tahu apakah post yang anda apply. Apabila sudah mengetahui post itu, anda dikehendaki membuat kajian mengenai tugas-tugas untuk post tersebut. Kepada Fresh Graduate, kerana anda tidak mempunyai pengalaman bekerja, cuba relatekan tugas-tugas post tersebut dengan perkara-perkara yang anda telah pelajari.
7. Knowledge adalah penting. Sebagai contoh, untuk mereka yang mempelajari IT, hendaklah mengetahui jargon and terms dan sila gunakannya pada tempat yang betul. Ini akan dapat impress para penemuduga. Untuk yang apply post account exec, sila ingat debit credit anda dan untuk finance post, sila ingat financial ratio anda. Kerana ini mungkin akan membantu anda semasa temuduga. Rasanya cukup setakat ini. Mungkin akan disambung lagi akan dating atau mungkin ini adalah pengakhiran tips.
Rasanya, kesemua perkara yang penting sudah dinyatakan dalam dua entry mengenai interview tips.
P/S: Sila lihat entry TiPS iNTeRVieW - PaRT 1 untuk no. 1.
1 hour ago
June 22, 2009 at 1:37 PM
cm beshh jep g interview ne..hihi
lil sis pnah ase g interview time nk jdk pengawas sekolah jep?miahahha =PPPP
June 22, 2009 at 1:41 PM
seram sejuk bila pk sal interview.heee
June 22, 2009 at 1:50 PM
btl bro.english is very important nowadays..
June 22, 2009 at 2:37 PM
bagus tips nie
nnt yana nk baca balik
part 1 n part 2
mne tau pas baca tips2 nie
rezeki yana dpt keje kn
mekasih :)
June 22, 2009 at 2:42 PM
bagus tips ni. maybe boleh jadi rujjukan tuk nana gi interview. dulu2 pernah gi interview tapi untuk keje part time je nasib baik lps! tp
June 22, 2009 at 2:42 PM
rasa gedik lak nak g interview lagi
rasa best owh
dulu pernah interview prefect, scholarship, skill utk event management dan juga music
rasa gak nak kerja
abg grunge ada kerja x?
June 22, 2009 at 2:57 PM
salam bro..
pasni bleh la gtau tatacara pemakaian yea..hehehe..
bleh masuk dlm request list x?
June 22, 2009 at 3:09 PM
wah tak sabar nak g interbiu pakai tips yg grunge bagi hohoh
June 22, 2009 at 3:11 PM
here some tips to share
· Obtain as much information as possible in advance – website, company literature, product knowledge.
· Always wear a smart suit to the interview, look as business like as possible.
· Always shake hands firmly, establish eye contact and smile on introduction with the interviewer, this will make you appear confident eager and friendly.
· Answer questions concisely and to the point, do not volunteer irrelevant information.
· Always be positive about yourself and your abilities – concentrate on things you have done, can do and enjoy doing
· Negative responses are not received well, either about yourself or previous employers.
· Do not talk about salary or benefits etc. unless you are asked.
· Remember it is a 2 way thing – you are both interviewing each other.
Questions To Think About Prior To Your Interview
1. What do you know about the company?
2. What is/are your reason(s) for leaving your current/last job?
3. What do/did you like best about your job?
4. What do/did you like least about your job?
5. What are/were your responsibilities in your current/last job? (An average day)
6. What are your career plans or what are you looking for with regards to promotional prospects?
7. Where do your strengths lie? (Think in line with what the client will want to hear)
8. What are your weaknesses? (Try to turn it into a positive point, or that you have now overcome or learnt from it – what have you done to overcome it)?
9. What personal qualities do you feel you can offer an employer?
10. What interested you in this position?
11. How do you cope under pressure? (Give an example)
12. How do you cope when you have to prioritise? (Give an example)
13. How do you work within a team? (Give an example)
14. How do you work using our initiative? (Give an example)
15. What computer packages are you familiar with and at what level?
16. Why should we employ you rather than anyone else?
You must also be prepared to ask the interviewer questions throughout the interview so you can gain a greater understanding of the company, role, team, prospects and what they are looking for. Remember – we want to know if you really want the job, so when they come back and offer it to you.
Questions For You To Ask
1. When were you established?
2. How many staff do you have?
3. Do you have any other sites?
4. Who are some of your major clients
5. Who are you main competitors
6. What is the working environment like?
7. How would you describe the companies style/culture?
8. What do you do differently to make you more successful?
9. Who would I be reporting to, and what are they like?
10. What are the team that I would be working in like?
11. What type of person do you feel will fit in with the existing team?
12. What other departments do you have? Will I be involved with them in any way?
13. How would my day be split? What will I be doing the highest % of the time?
14. What are the rewarding parts of the job?
15. When is the busiest/quietest time of the day?
16. How do you feel this role will develop?
17. What training will I receive?
18. What skills are you looking for? What experience are you looking for?
19. Is there anything else you would like to know about me?
At The End Of The Interview
· If they ask you if you have any further questions, and you have – ask, if you feel you have asked them all don’t be afraid to say you think everything has been covered.
· Thank them for their time.
· Tell them if you are interested and give them 3 or 4 reasons whey you like it.
· Tell them when you can start.
· Ask how soon they can let you know or when a 2nd interview will be.
· Shake their hand – remember to smile!! Ask to look around if not already.
hope this can help your entry project....
June 22, 2009 at 6:15 PM
nt bile nk interbiu
nk refer cini ar
ta yah ssh nk gooogle bagai
thx !
June 22, 2009 at 6:16 PM
ouh2 lupe nk gtaw
rini ta jd mkn KFC
mkn MCD jerk
murah :p
June 22, 2009 at 6:46 PM
wahhh info yg brguna :)
tp lame dh x g mane2 interviuw... tp sblum interviuw msti nervous gilerr~
June 22, 2009 at 7:14 PM
bro ade tips tak utk interview menjadi seorang penganggur?hehehe
June 22, 2009 at 8:23 PM
anaklaut akan ambil tips bro bila gi temuduga nanti..( temuduga DG 41 )
sangat berguna....tq bro..
June 22, 2009 at 8:29 PM
heh aku da kompom jd cikgu sok =) takyah risau interbiu..tapi good info boleh share dgn budak2 yg nak cr kerja sok.
hugagag. kalau bleh, skang ni kene kuasai extra languange - mandarin, tamil..sure majikan amik korang..=)
ok tak?
June 22, 2009 at 8:44 PM
nk jd surirumah cmne bhai?
June 22, 2009 at 9:06 PM
Salam bro..
bro mamai dah bagi tips sgt berguna tu..
sri teringat pesan cikgu masa interview maktab(tapi dapat tak pergi pun..)
1st impression is very important..but not true... ayat ini sering diulang siar dr mulut beliau.
June 22, 2009 at 11:35 PM
aten nebes laa nk g interview..
June 23, 2009 at 12:14 AM
siap bookmark page ni
penting utk masa dpn :)
June 23, 2009 at 12:19 AM
Misz Nurul: Eppp, habiskan UITM tu dulu, baru bukak balik blog ni study tips untuk interview.
Sarah al idrus: Fisrt few interview, memang menakutkan. Lepas tu, Insya-Allah, akan terbiasa.
Zanetti Be: You are rite bro. Idop Brazil. Lalalala. Baru menonton kekalahan Italy 3-0 kepada Brazil.
Cik Yana: Doa banyak-banyak sikit before interview. Tai persediaan kena buat.
June 23, 2009 at 12:21 AM
Misz Nana: Boleh jadi tips dan persediaan. Yang lain, masih terpulang pada diri sendiri.
Xuen Adyla: Ni lagi satu Lil Sis. Gi UITM dulu, habiskan study. Then baru pk interview dan kije. Dah sihat ke Sis?
Dark: Insya-Allah.
Notso Violet: Terima kasih mot kerana sudi applikasi tips nanti.
June 23, 2009 at 12:25 AM
Mamai: Thanks bro, ko memang best. Aku juga masih perlu tips dari orang berpengalaman macam ko.
Innz: Hahahaha. Google banyak lagi tips Innz.
Innz: MCDono jer ke? Mana Bic Mac saya?
Sha89: Share info jer. Sebab memandangkan ramai adik-adik dan graduan dan bakal graduan yang kunjungi blog saya ni.
Zanetti be: Seorang penganggur berjaya hendaklah makan dan tidur sahaja. Disamping menghabiskan wang simpanan. Ni tips yang tak berguna dari aku tau zanetti.
June 23, 2009 at 12:28 AM
Anak laut: Semoga berjaya masa temuduga nanti anak laut. Kawan-kawan mendoakan kejayan bagi kamu. Rezeki kamu murah, ada temuduga dan berjaya dapat APC.
Enyheartsdiamond: Senang jer tip tu Eny, carilah seorang lelaki yang stabil untuk dikahwini. Lalalala.
Srisufi: Your teacher is right Sri. Selalu first impression ni, orang akan bagi terbaik. Tapi bila dah dapat kerja, mula tunjuk perangai sebenar. Lebih2 lagi bila dah confirm. (Merujuk pada diri saya sendiri).
Cik Ateen: Jangan nebes. Konpiden mesti ada.
June 23, 2009 at 12:29 AM
Khairil's: Insya-Allah, tips yang boleh diguna pakai untuk masa depan.
June 23, 2009 at 1:05 AM
wah.. dh ada tips lg.. tenkiu2.. blh bgna dimse dpn ni..
June 23, 2009 at 1:51 AM
gile nervous nih..
mmg banyak yg kene buat sblm interview..
tp,xsangka pulak rupanya byk bende remeh kene amek tahu..
demi 1st imporession yg terbaik!
thanks bro
June 23, 2009 at 10:32 AM
Thaks 4 sharing diz tips.Good job.
June 23, 2009 at 1:03 PM
June 23, 2009 at 11:45 PM
big mac out of stock
June 23, 2009 at 11:54 PM
contohnya..u kn laki tuh?haha~