eCoNoMiC iN ouR LiFe

I am stuck. Can someone help me? I couldn't proceed with my current life. Need an escape route ("I need an exit," as what Neo - Matrix will said). Can someone show me the exit way? Show the path I should follow? What am I doing grumbling to all of you? I complaint, complaint and keep on complaining to all of you. Why? Because I know, all of you care. Really care about me although we never meet.

It is tough for me. As life is either or. You might have one thing but you might not have the other one. Who said Economic does not applicable in life? As the principles of Economic thought us of scarcity of resources. Life is full of shortage. You wont have the total 24 hours of time for yourself although you would love to have it for your own. You wont have all the money you wanted to although you work like hell. This is the reality of life.

Who said that opportunity cost not applicable in life? I will strongly disagreed with that. Life is full with choice. You can have luxury in life, but will the luxury provided you with comfort (sometimes or most of the times they do)? You might have an healthy life but would it guaranted you that you will have enough money?

If given the opportunity, I would like to have time to spend for my self. Would like a ot of things. But it would be near to impossible to have all the things in life. Because of the limited resources and because Allah is fair. Therefore, please don't get influence by the advertisement by Nike (is it Nike or Adidas?) whereby "Impossible Is Nothing". Ops, here I go again, being negative.

I think, this entry does not really open ups mind. I wish I can write more entry that can stimulate our brain to think. By the way, Innz, maybe you can use some of the things in this entry to better understand your Economic subject.

P/S: This is not a schedule entry. Thanks, for encouraging me to write offently. I am really flattened.

31 Response to "eCoNoMiC iN ouR LiFe"

  1. Amal says:
    July 31, 2009 at 1:45 AM

    org x amik economy~
    so camne?
    *actually x ta0 nk comment pe...*

  2. Anonymous Says:
    July 31, 2009 at 2:02 AM

    bro..adidas tue tagline mcm --just do just do what ever your heart and mind said.

  3. intangedik says:
    July 31, 2009 at 2:04 AM

    eko no money... aku bukan nya faham sangat..yang aku faham tak de money tak de makan... hik hik .

  4. enyheartsdiamond says:
    July 31, 2009 at 2:25 AM


    no money..
    no talk;)


    ngada ja...

    $$$..xtao nk komen apa jugak;)

  5. SasHa Lee says:
    July 31, 2009 at 2:25 AM

    economy n opportunity cost.. a both are important to survivin'in life..
    No money..No talk..;)

  6. anak laut says:
    July 31, 2009 at 2:33 AM


    enyheartsdiamond, janganlah kata no money no talk..:))

    bro.salam singgah..

  7. Fitriah says:
    July 31, 2009 at 2:45 AM

    when you have money, you can have all the things that you want.

    love, health,comfy life etc.

  8. Fina Sophie says:
    July 31, 2009 at 4:29 AM

    as u mention, life is full of choice. in our daily life, we choose almost everything. we choose to live. we choose to be sad when things go wrong WHEN we are actually have another choice : to smile even in our worst.

    but, again, there's nothing wrong to think negative in some point in our life cuz we can't be remain postive all the way, isn't it? =)

    don't drown in it. that's all ;)

  9. MissGAZA (FasihahAdnan) says:
    July 31, 2009 at 5:23 AM

    assalamualaikum bro..
    apa khabar sekarang ya..?

    tiba2 pening kpalaku..

  10. azimask says:
    July 31, 2009 at 8:19 AM

    ekonomi la subjek paling mie struggle nak pass masa kat skolah ... pass tu plak kat uitm pun kena struggle...

    apa pun.. menabungla sket sket..
    sekadar 5 sen sehhari pun dah ok....

    ceria selalu..!!!!!

  11. mamai says:
    July 31, 2009 at 10:14 AM

    cari titik keseimbangannya kau akan jumpa jalan keluar

    konsep ekonomi sudah lama ujud dalam hidup kita cuma kita tak nampak

  12. Misshy Innz says:
    July 31, 2009 at 10:33 AM

    mencik eko
    ta suke..
    x phm

  13. Beruwang says:
    July 31, 2009 at 10:38 AM

    ekau no money iyo...?

  14. Anonymous Says:
    July 31, 2009 at 10:49 AM

    brilliant piece of writing :P

  15. xuen adyla says:
    July 31, 2009 at 1:45 PM

    resources are always scarce but we can always find a way out

    life was never the same
    or perhaps that easy

  16. Ivy Metaga says:
    July 31, 2009 at 2:17 PM

    kalau kita buat sesuatu yg kita suka dan minat, walaupun kecik tapi akan menyenangkan hati kita, bole kita terlupa sekejap masalah2 yg tak pernah putus2....

    jgn pikir positive!!!..

  17. v says:
    July 31, 2009 at 3:02 PM

    Eh ari ni tak derk orang spam. Play fair, huh! Orait!!
    And uh, Grunge is writing and publishing - this is not a scheduled n3, guys! That's a good thing - it's being positive.
    Keep on writing ...

  18. oranglidi says:
    July 31, 2009 at 4:42 PM

    woi! knape wa belum komen? heehe.. maap byk2 intenet down.

    oish.. bab ekonomi?

    "You can have luxury in life, but will the luxury provided you with comfort (sometimes or most of the times they do)? You might have an healthy life but would it guaranted you that you will have enough money?"

    -betul tu.. eh, boleh jadi penulis dalam surat khabar nih!!

  19. terrarosa says:
    July 31, 2009 at 6:38 PM

    salam kenal,
    saya masuk blog anda melalui blog orang lidi tu hahaha...
    tapi apa yang menarik tentang entri anda pada hari ini ialah :

    saya juga menulis entri tentang Neo - Matrix


  20. Anonymous Says:
    July 31, 2009 at 9:14 PM


  21. GRuNGe says:
    July 31, 2009 at 11:34 PM

    Miss Siv: Hehehehe, komen jer apa-apa Miss Siv.

    Zanetti Be: Aku dah agak konpius semasa menulis entry ni di pagi hari.

    Intangedik: Wah, terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan komen. Blog kamu kelakar, tapi saya tak leh komen.

    Enyheartsdiamond: Wakakaka, no money no talk? Dont be material and plastic my dear Eny. ;)

    Shasha Lee: Money is important but it is not everything.

    Fina: Thanks for your oppinion.

    Miss Gaza: Ekonomi di Mesir sangat memberangsangkan tau. Hehehehe.

    Mimie Azimask: Erk, struggle economic? Hehehehe. Same here.

    Mamai: Bro, ko jurusan ekonomi UUM kan?

    Innz: Apasal sikit sangat ko spam Innz?

    Ber_uwang: Den tau Ekau got money.

    Att Ashburn: Are you teasing me? ;)

    Xuen Adyla: Life is never the same without you. Lalalalala. Totally out of topic.

    Ivy Metaga: Hehehehe. Okies, akan berfikiran positif.

    Lili11: Tu ler nasib aku Lili, kalau entry english aku yang skema gaban, tak ramai nak spam accept poem. Hahahahaha.

    Oranglidi: Wuits, ko punya first entry english best siut. Gelak sambil berair mata aku baca. Syabas Inspektor Sahab.

    Terrarosa: Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan komen. Sudah singgah blog kamu juga.

    Rathiqah Azmira: :)

  22. myQza says:
    August 1, 2009 at 12:13 AM

    teringat zaman2 belajo ekonomi dulu keluk ini keluk itu... ekekekeke.. x ske ekonomi

  23. v says:
    August 1, 2009 at 11:16 PM

    Owhh .. lupa lak! Anak haku belajar ekons dan katanya ekons tu subjek paling dia tak suker ...

  24. Misshy Innz says:
    August 3, 2009 at 11:44 PM


  25. Misshy Innz says:
    August 3, 2009 at 11:44 PM

    bile la nk dpt duet raye neyh ?

  26. Misshy Innz says:
    August 3, 2009 at 11:57 PM

    td en aku blaja dns..
    da phm da ;p

  27. Misshy Innz says:
    August 3, 2009 at 11:57 PM

    time kaseh sbb aja aku eco
    haha !

  28. VIP| fLoRa ™ © says:
    August 4, 2009 at 2:43 AM

    ekonomi sguh memeningkan..

  29. VIP| fLoRa ™ © says:
    August 4, 2009 at 2:44 AM

    i'm back..

  30. VIP| fLoRa ™ © says:
    August 4, 2009 at 2:44 AM

    dont think to much.. berusaha & trus berusaha k..

  31. apLe dE gadiZ says:
    August 4, 2009 at 11:26 PM

    yerps... u have to write more entry dat can stimulate ur brain not our brain..hehe

    saje men2